
Sample wording for wills:

I BEQUEATH the whole of my Estate (or, insert your preferred percentage: ‘XX percent [XX%] of my estate} free of all debts, duties and taxes to House of Welcome for its general purposes.


I bequeath the rest and residue of my Estate {(or xx percent) of the rest and residue of my Estate} free of all debts, duties and taxes to House of Welcome for its general purposes.


I Bequeath (specify property or items) free of all debts, duties and taxes, to House of Welcome for its general purposes. The receipt of the Chief Executive Officer of House of Welcome or other duly authorised officer shall be full and final discharge to my Executor for this gift, and my Executor shall not be bound to see to the application thereof.

For further information or assistance, please email: or phone: 02 9727 9290.