We provide person-led support
Caseworkers assist people seeking asylum to access support services (including education, health, accommodation, legal support and other community activities).
Casework is offered to individuals and families seeking asylum who are living in the community. The process to seek protection can be daunting. Casework clients often have multiple or complex needs, and may not know where to access support and relevant services. House of Welcome caseworkers link clients to a range of activities, advocate on behalf of them for their entitlements and connect them to other specialist services. Caseworkers journey alongside clients and offer familiarity, stability and client-centered practice, in an often changing and unstable environment.
The casework program focuses on:
provision of complex casework support to assist people in crisis and clients in the Welcome Start Transitional Housing program
preparation of individualised case plans to identify areas of need and enabling clients to have agency to meet these needs
delivery of the Emergency Living Program that connects clients with financial assistance
mitigation of food insecurity through the foodbank program
advocating for clients when liaising with other organisations to assist with health services, legal support, accommodation, education and employment.