We provide shelter
The Welcome Start Transitional Housing Program (WSTH) is a structured program for people seeking asylum, particularly for those who have no access to traditional government and non-government supports such as emergency, social, public and affordable housing.
The program provides safe and stable accommodation for a period of 12 months and utilises an intensive and integrated model of support to work with clients as their protection claims are processed.
It delivers tailored wrap-around support that includes:
stable, transitional accommodation for a fixed term
co-designed case plans that are client-led
addressing barriers to achieve identified goals
building knowledge and awareness of Australian tenancy rights and responsibilities
creating pathways to financial and housing independence.
Participants work closely with the housing, casework and employment teams across the program who assist with:
referrals to services related to legal, health, employment and education
employment mentoring, work placements and job-ready preparation
transition to future housing and accommodation.
The program manages 17 properties across Sydney that accommodate individuals and families.
To become a Welcome Start Transitional Housing partner, contact office@houseofwelcome.org.au.